Wellness and Inner Peace through Custom Yoga Sessions


Within each of us lies the power to elevate our well-being and happiness.  For over a decade, my Yoga practice has brought me physical wellness and inner bliss - the perfect antidote to the stresses and strains of modern life. I am passionate about sharing the life enhancing experience of Yoga with friends and neighbors in my local community -  a place for growth, self discovery, and inner bliss!

(hear from my students)


About ME

An Orange County resident of over 40 years, an ex-IT professional and a mother of two, I have experienced first hand Yoga’s transformative power to help us thrive in today’s high paced, high stress environment.  My personal experience inspires me to share Yoga’s ancient teachings and wisdoms with you, in an accessible way applicable to your busy life style and your unique needs.

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My goal is simple: guide you through each Yoga practice so it works for YOU - all aspects of you - your body, your mind, your breath, your life.   My sessions span the spectrum from invigorating sequences to restorative postures and meditation, each practice consciously tailored to meet your goals.


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